
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Apples, iPads and TV's, Oh My!

Our school purchased a handful of iPad's to see how we can start incorporating them into the classrooms.  There are only 3 so far,  and as of right now we are limited to using free apps, once they have been approved for download, so it's harder to come up with creative ideas for the students. 

Even better than iPads for the school, is the news that I have gotten approval to try a pilot program in my room using the Apple TV and a permanently mounted flat screen television.  No more checking to see if the projector is available during the lesson I want to use it for... no more dragging out the projector and hooking it up to the laptop... no more wires strewn across the room... no more panic attacks as a child skips over the power cords.  Can it really be THIS easy?  I certainly hope so.  I have all of the gadgets, now I just need to wait for the TV to be mounted so that I can start using it! 

Anyone else using an Apple TV or iPads in their classroom?  I'd love to hear any suggestions on using them with the class!

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