
Friday, November 14, 2014

Veterans Day

Veterans Day is a big deal at our school, as it should be. Each year we invite Veterans from the community to join us for an assembly where we honor them in different way. This year, my students created a large mural and they presented information on the history of the Star Spangled Banner.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mad Libs - Part 2

As a follow up to one of my most popular items, School-Themed Mad Libs, I have put together a set of 4 Animal-Themed Mad Libs which is available on TpT! There is a separate recording sheet for the list of words before students put their answers into the story so the teacher can then check the list of words for correct parts of speech before having the student their list of words into the actual story.You can also find my original Mad Libs which are school-themed on TpT.

Biography Partner Projects

My students recently finished a biography partner project, which was designed not only as a reading and research project, but also to help students work on their organization, time management and cooperative skills. I wanted to stress the process and quality of work with this project. I used the ‘Who Is/Who Was’ series of biographies, since they are all about the same length, and they include a starting place for the timeline requirement. The entire project took 4 weeks, with children working on this both in class and for homework.

I started by grouping students into pairs, keeping in mind their work habits and organizational skills. Each group looked through the list of famous people and chose their top three, and from those lists I assigned books. The first task was to work on reading the book and taking notes as they went. They had to set nightly reading goals with their partner, but I gave a general guideline for when their book should be finished. They were also working on the ‘Looking Back In Time’ sheets, researching other events that happened during the decades that their famous person was alive. I gave the last 5 minutes of each class for students to set new goals, split up tasks, and update their Time Management planners.

Once a group completed the reading and note taking, they moved on to organizing their notes into topics. This step was time consuming, but it was since mostly useful for those doing reports or flip-flap books, I think I would only use this as a tool for those students who needed it.

Projects were the next step. Students were required to do the timeline, including both events from the life of their famous person AND events happening in the world at the time. They also had to choose which project(s) to do. They could either choose to do one writing and one art project, or a mixed writing/art project. Students then worked on writing up steps checklists for each project and a list of needed materials before drafting or working on the project. The rule was that both partners must work on each project so that they had to communicate their ideas and find a way to evenly distribute the work.
On the due date, students came into class with all of their projects and materials from the process. They had to grade themselves on their grading sheet, organize all of their notes and planning sheets, and then highlight their actual contributions to the project on the steps checklist. They turned all of these items in, along with their Time Management/Materials sheet. We then spent the next few days presenting projects and even invited the first grade class to see our projects, since they were doing biography projects, too! Here are a few of the projects.

Cereal Boxes
Flip-Flap Book
Poster and Report

Museum Display

Accordion Book Timeline
Shape Timeline

I have put the packet of instructions, planning sheets, examples etc. up for sale on TpT.  Included in this packet are:
Grading Sheet
Looking Back In Time (research/notetaking sheet)
Time Management Planner
Materials Planner
Steps Checklist
Notetaking Sheets
Notes Organization Sheets
Project Overview Sheet (Projects noted with *)
*Timeline Instructions
Timeline Planning Sheet
Timeline Template
Timeline Sample Page
*A-Z Booklet Instructions
A-Z Template
*Interview Instructions
*Flip-Flap Book Instructions
*Cereal Box Instructions
*Biography Hanger Instructions
*Poster and Report Instructions
*Museum Display Instructions
Museum Display Explanation Card Template
*Scrapbook Instructions
Scrapbook Planning Sheet
*I Am Poem Instructions
Teacher Checklists (3 versions)

I hope you find it useful!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Student-Led Portfolio Conferences

November is a time for Parent-Teacher conferences, which I must admit are not my favorite. I spend so much time trying to think of everything I need to say to a parent, organizing my ideas, gathering work samples and finding just the right way to phrase some of those difficult messages. And inevitably, the minute a parent leaves or an hour later it hits me... the one thing I forgot to tell them!

Spring is another conference, but this time around students are leading the way. Over the next few weeks I will spend time reflecting with my students, sharing in their joy of obstacles overcome and looking at what challenges still lie ahead. It is hard enough for me to organize my own thoughts, but to get students to do it and share it with their parents is even harder! The students have individualized short and long term goals, but that is just the start!

Last year, teaching third grade, there was one standard sheet that the students had to fill out for every subject area they reflected upon. While I think it was good to get the kids into the mindset of reflecting upon their own work with the same questions over and over, the drudgery of the same sheet of paper with each reflection wore some of them down. So, this year I decided to spice things up a bit and create a mix of forms for the kids to use. A few self-assessment sheets where they get to fill in smiley faces or number bubbles, some charts and lists, and then a few written responses and goal setting sheets.  We will spend the next few weeks reflecting, organizing, and preparing for conference day, when the students will take the lead and share their own assessment of their progress so far this year. I am looking forward to their thoughts, opinions and reflections!

I have tweaked a few of the sheets so that they are more generic for any other teachers who may be looking to do something similar with their own students, and I have placed them in my TpT store. Included is a long-term goal sheet, a short-term goal sheet, and a full set of printable sheets for students to use as a reflection tool for a student-led portfolio conference. Reflection sheets are a set of questions that a student can answer related to that area, and can be used in conjunction with work that they have pulled from the year. Sheets include:
*Cover Sheet
*Student Checklist
*Math Self Assessment (4th Grade Everyday Math topics up to Ch. 7)
*Math Reflection Sheet
*Reading Reflection Sheet
*Writing Reflection Sheet
*Spelling Scores Recording Sheet
*Science Reflection Sheet
*Social Studies Sheet
*Work Habits Self Assessment
*Growths and Goals Sheet
*Goal Setting (with parents) Sheet
*Special Area Reflection Sheet
*Generic Reflection Sheet

TpT Flash Sale

It's time for a TpT Flash Sale! Everything in my TpT store will be on sale, 15% off, all weekend. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Birds of a Feather...

One of my biggest pet peeves about classroom jobs is the kids not doing them regularly (my custodian agrees when the trash cans aren't put out into the hall at the end of the day!) So, when I started the year, I decided to put job descriptions right on the job cards! I also wanted to include some more challenging jobs for students who wanted to go above and beyond in the classroom. And so, a new set of jobs was born... 9 regular jobs (green with yellow name tags) which would be changed every two weeks, and the 5 specialist jobs (pink) which would be changed every month.

The 9 regular job titles have all students rotating through them. Some jobs can or should be held by more than one student:

* Movement Coordinator - 1
* Caboose - 1
* Attendance Secretary - 1
* Office Supplies Manager - 1
* Librarian - 1 or 2
* Homework Secretary - 1
* Substitute - 1
* Bloggers - 2
* Clean Up Crew - As many as needed

There are also 5 specialist jobs which students can apply for if they feel it is an area of interest. A 6th job was added when we studied the 13 Colonies and American Revolution. I wanted to tax the students to give them a sense of what it felt like to be a colonist, so I first had to pay them! A banker job was the perfect way to hook them into the ticket payments, and the job was taken away soon after the tickets and taxes ended. In order to hold a specialist job, students must first apply by filling out the application form. I must say, I have been really impressed with some of the answers the kids have given! These jobs were revealed a few weeks into the school year, once students were comfortable with their regular jobs and had a chance to apply.

*Classroom Photographer
*Technology Specialist
*Absence Assistant

Here is my original "Birds of a Feather WORK Together" board in August before the kids names were put up, and before the specialist jobs were revealed.

If you would like to use these jobs in your own classroom, I have shared them on TpT. I have included all 15 jobs cards and blank name cards, 2 extra blank job cards so you can create your own jobs, the Specialist Application, blogging instructions, a reminder card to hang by the phone, and a title card for your bulletin board.

Monday, February 17, 2014

STAR Binders and Agendas

My students have a S.T.A.R. (Students Taking Active Responsibility) Binder where they keep all of their homework, goal setting sheets, reading logs, spelling assignments, notes to home, etc. We started the year with a simple agenda sheet where they would write down homework, and the agenda has evolved as they have come up with different ideas of what they would like to include to help them stay organized.

Throughout the year, the students have given suggestions on how we could change the agenda to make it more useful. I have put together a file with all of the different iterations of the agenda (a one-page weekly homework sheet, and 3 different two-page versions) and the STAR Binder cover sheet. The agenda sheets should be copied front to back and stapled together to create a small booklet. I usually copy extras of each sheet one-sided to make the front and back of the booklets. There are spaces to write in helpful websites (class websites, school lunch menus etc.) on some of the forms before copying.

If you would like to use them with your students, you can find them in my TpT store. Enjoy!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Chapter 4 Everyday Math Pretest

Another one finished! Chapter 4 Everyday Math pretest is now available! If you are interested in using them in your own classroom, Chapters 1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are all available. Enjoy!